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Safety Tips

Meeting new people is fun – but always put safety first! Whether you are interested in dating, friendship, people with mutual hobbies or whatever your reason, always remember these safety tips for using online dating platforms.

  • Protect your personal information. Use different photos for your dating profile and your social media, and never reveal personal information such as your address (work or home), social security number, bank information, or credit card details. Do not respond to requests for financial help from someone you don’t know online.
  • Stay on the platform. The Aphroditte app is a safe place to meet and chat until you’re ready to take the next step of exchanging phone numbers or even meeting in person. We work to protect user information and use safe message filters to keep you secure as you explore.
  • Be wary of overseas and long-distance relationships. When someone lives too far away to meet up in person (or claims to), it’s much harder to know if they are who they say they are. Be wary if someone in another country or even a long distance away from you wants to start up a romantic relationship.
  • Report all suspicious and offensive behavior. We want Aphroditte to be a safe and fun space to meet people and make connections of all types. Please report suspicious or offensive behavior, such as asking for money, being underage, harassing or communicating threats, or creating fraudulent profiles.

When you are ready to meet your new acquaintance in person, be sure to:

  • Do your research. You don’t have to stalk or be creepy, but a simple Google search can often reveal important information that you might want to know before meeting your companion in person.
  • Consider a Google Voice number. Instead of giving out your real phone number, get a free Google Voice number and use that, at least until you’re more comfortable with a particular person.
  • Try a video chat. There are many different ways to video chat – and it makes for a safer first date than meeting in real life. Try setting up a video chat before meeting someone in person to make sure that they appear to be who they claim to be.
  • Arrange your own transportation. Either drive yourself to your first meetup with a person or plan to use public transportation if available. Don’t accept an invitation to carpool or be picked up by someone you don’t know.
  • Meet in public. You’ve heard it before, and it’s entirely true: it’s much safer to meet in a public place with other people around than in a more private location. At least for the first date or two, choose a restaurant, café, bar, skating rink – wherever you won’t be alone.
  • Let someone know where you’ll be. Anytime you go out to meet someone new, make sure that a friend or family members knows where you'll be, when you'll be back, and who you're meeting.
  • Limit personal information. It’s never a great idea to divulge too much personal information too soon. Keep to yourself tidbits such as places you frequent, where your family lives, your birthday, and so on until you know the person better.
  • Watch your alcohol intake. Last but definitely not least, drink responsibly during your first few meetings. That means limiting the amount of alcohol you consume as well as never leaving your drinks or personal items unattended.

We want you to have fun – but your safety comes first. Keep these tips in mind as you search for new connections to ensure the well-being of yourself and others.
